Sensei Josemar Dias and Sensei Josnei Dias
Sensei Josemar Dias and Sensei Josnei Dias

The Makoto Aikido Institute aims to spread the practice of Aikido based on techniques and guidelines from the Aikikai Foundation in Japan, so that its practitioners have better quality of life among many different social groups, through the harmonization of their mind, body and spirit.

The current leaders of the Makoto Aikido Institute are Sensei Josemar Dias and Sensei Josnei Dias, yudanshas duly registered at the Aikikai Foundation. 

The Makoto Aikido Institute has a Headquarter Dojo for meetings and training, located in the neighborhood of Santo Antônio in Aracaju city, and one extra Dojo for training in the neighborhood of São José. The Institute’s activities became official in 2006, however its “brother-leaders” have been practicing Aikido for over 22 years. For more information follow the "Dias Senseis" link.

Providing a friendly environment for the teaching of Aikido, while blending its traditional doctrines with contemporary affairs, the Makoto Aikido Institute becomes a harmonic center for the learning of several Eastern practices. The lessons transmitted are applied in other social environments (business, family, educational centers etc).

We strive to offer high quality teachings of Aikido as well as to improve the well-being of those who belong to the Makoto Aikido group. The principles of sincerity and respect, based on traditional Japanese Budo, are the path to accomplish this purpose.

Therefore the materialization of our ideals are the Makoto kanji and the Sakura flower.

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